Country strategic analysis and prognosis

Indiogene has decided to broaden its focus by shifting its strategic analysis skills to country situations and interactions between different cultures and communities. Indiogene  brings its acquired knowledge and experience into this area in various disciplines such as history, demography, sociology, psychography (analysis of values and lifestyles), psychology, statistics, risk and convenience analysis, etc. The main commitment is to transfer this knowledge applied for years in various business sectors to country situations.

Furthermore, the ability demonstrated over years of experience in making detailed prognosis based both on statistical extrapolation systems and on alternative forecast hypotheses is exploited. These forecast hypotheses cover a wide spectrum of evolutionary possibilities on which the decision-maker can elaborate own decisions with more thoughtfulness and accuracy.

There are two basic types of studies:

  • Country strategic analysis and prognosis
  • Situation of diagnosis and emergency strategic prognosis between countries

The latter is represented by the work that Indiogene is carrying out after the war between Russia and Ukraine which began on February 24, 2022 and is still far from being concluded.

In the past, Indiogene has conducted numerous country strategic analysis and prognosis studies in preparation for corporate initiatives. In particular, detailed generalized and sectoral analyzes were carried out regarding India, Korea, the USA, Tunisia and Algeria as well as various European countries.

Our role

Once the target country or situation has been identified, we assist: by

  • Providing the initial information necessary to start the analysis;
  • Carrying out, on the basis of our experience, the appropriate analyzes, choosing the most suitable systems and methods of analysis, documenting the choice;
  • Clearly stating the main conclusions;
  • Making the forecast prognosis according to a system of “most probable Alternative Scenarios”.